If you're new to soldering check out some soldering tutorial videos while you're at it. To solder you'll of course need a soldering iron, soldering tin and some flux. A PC power supply can be a source for 3.3V DC power. When using an external 3.3V supply, simply ensure the ground (GND) of both are connected, this ensures a common ground. The ESP requires at least 150mA, many 3.3V serial programmers do not supply this much current as many serial programming tasks do not require a large amount of power. Many CH340G devices will not work, the "golden CH340G" has a voltage regulator on it to supply enough power to the ESP device - many do not. Some devices, such as NodeMCU, D1 mini or M5Stack products, have an USB upload port and the serial-to-USB adapter built in. You MUST make sure the data (RX and TX) and VCC pins are set for 3.3V. Some adapters can be switched between 3.3V and 5V for the data pins, but still provide 5V on the power pin which will irreparably destroy your device.

RECOMMENDED CH340G is the most reliable and the cheapest one to boot ( 1, 2).

You must ensure that the device receives sufficient power (current AND appropriate voltage level) to properly flash the firmware on the device. The power supplied to the device is one of the most important elements for both flashing the device and for stable operation. Getting Started Prerequisites ~ Needed Hardware ~Įvery Espressif ESP8266, ESP8285, ESP32, ESP32-S or ESP32-C3 chipset based device can be flashed with Tasmota. Smart Home Integrations Smart Home Integrations.Getting Started Getting Started Table of contents.